Welding Aluminium: 2 Things Which Can Compromise Quality

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If you are working with sheets of aluminium, you may plan to weld two sections together using Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding equipment. However, when using TIG gear to complete a weld on two sections of aluminium, it is important that you are aware of the different factors which can impact the quality of the weld. Low-quality welding can result in products failing before they should do and could ultimately place your customer's safety and wellbeing at risk. Below is a guide to two things which could compromise the quality of your TIG weld.

The quality of the surface

One major drawback of using TIG welding equipment is that it will only be effective if the surfaces you plan to weld together are completely clean. If there is any grease, oil or grime on the surface of the metal, the entire weld could be compromised. While this may not be as much of an issue if you are using fresh sheets of aluminium which have just been delivered to your site, it can pose a serious risk if you are planning to weld metal which is second hand or which has been in position for some time.

Old sheets of metal are likely to have accumulated a layer of dirt or grease with the passage of time which will need to be removed. The easiest way to remove any dirt from the aluminium surface is to apply a degreasing agent before you begin work. If the grime is ingrained in the surface of the metal, you may also need to use a sandblaster to remove it.

The level of distortion

The intense heat generated by a TIG welder can cause the surrounding metal to become distorted. Distortion can weaken the metal so it is important that you understand how to minimise the risk of distortion and how to limit how frequently it occurs. You should make sure that the staff completing the welding job understand how to control the cooling and heat cycles of the equipment. You should also instruct your contractors to keep the number of passes made with the welding equipment to an absolute minimum. If you are concerned about the technical ability of any of your staff, you should send them for further training before allowing them to continue to work on the project.

If you would like further information and advice about welding equipment, you should contact a local industrial supplier like Burnback Welding Equip Services.
